Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Will: 10 Months!

How Big is Will? So BIG!

10 Months Big to be exact! My little peanut is growing up! I simply cannot get over how much changes in ONE month! Sir William is moving and shaking!

The Skinny on Will:
Height: Not sure, we won't have another appointment until his BIG birthday!
Weight: Probably close to 22 pounds
Head: Not a clue

Eating: To be perfectly honest, we have good weeks and bad weeks. Will continues to be more interested in the world around him than focusing and eating his food. He continues to take 4 bottles and eats breakfast, lunch and dinner which all consist of only solid foods. No more purees! The little booger is SOO independent that he wants NO part of me feeding him anything and will push me away if I try to feed him his finger foods. While I admire the independence, the willfulness often warrants a pop on the hand! He also seems to go through weeks where he loves certain things and then the next week he wants no part of it. Very strange. But all and all he is still packing on the pounds and continues to be a very long and sturdy little boy.

Sleeping: Happy to report that there is NO report other than to say that he is sleeping like a champ, both with naps and nighttime.

Milestones: Well folks, we have a walker. Not consistently but Will continues to take 4 or 5 steps and then plops down. He prefers to scale around the furniture and even the walls before choosing to crawl. I predict that before I write his 11 month post, he will be walking consistently! He will stand up in the middle of the room for a log time. We have FOUR teeth. I have to laugh though because I kind of think they make his look like a little homeless ragamuffin. We are seeing sooo much personality. Will absolutely loves clapping (which is new for him). He has started making this hilarious face where he scrunches up his nose and go hhehhehhehhe. It makes us laugh so hard! He is saying lots of "mamama," "dadada," "bababa" and "nighnighnigh" but still no real words though he knows how who mama, dada, daisy and tuck are.

Likes: He loves to play and watch other kids play. I actually think he prefers the toddlers over the little ones. He loves going to the nursery at the YMCA and at church. I think sometimes home gets boring. He loves when ANYONE comes to visit him. He absolutely adores his grandparents and to say the feelings are mutual is the understatement of the year. Will loves Daisy and Tucker. He loves for me to read to him, though now he usually winds up taking the book from me before we are finished so he can flip the pages himself. He has a new passion known as Baby Einstein- yes my friends he LOVES it. We usually put it on while we are trying to get dinner ready and he seriously never looks away.

Dislikes: Not such a fan of he car seat or riding in the car for long periods. He absolutely HATE for me to change his diaper or change his clothes. It is ridiculous. I keep telling him that he has only a few more months before mamma and daddy will be disciplining his sweet but willful self. And finally photoshoots. He hates me making him sit still for a picture or confining him in any way hence the lack of good pictures below.

But here we are, Will at 10 months:

I decided to start him out in an outfit before going to the white onesie per CeeCee's request!

Here's that face before he does the hhehhehhe! Definitely something we will have to video this week!

"Please momma, stop putting me back in this corner!"

 Thanks for trying mom, but I think I'd rather play!


  1. That is the prettiest child I have ever seen!

  2. Loved seeing the l0 month pictures! Can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Happy l0 month birthday, Will! Love, Dee Dee
