Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sleep Training- Night Two, Day Two

...a light at the end of the tunnel!

Well...things are looking up in the Shipman household, and it appears that all these sad tears were worth it!

Night Two:
Ok, so night two certainly isn't as impressive as day 2, but it's still progress. Will slept til 4:40am and woke up because, yet again, he got stuck at the top of the crib. I moved him down and replaced his paci and he fell back to sleep... for 20 minutes :) Then the early morning crying commenced...and he cried off and on until 6am when I fed him and put him back to bed til 7am.

Day Two:
Day Two is where the Lord really answered my prayers! Nap #1 Will slept for 50 minutes and cried the remainder of the nap. But then.... the remainder of the naps yesterday he put himself back to sleep. Nap #2 he only cried off and on for 20 minutes and then put himself back to sleep. Nap #3 he put himself back to sleep for the first time EVER without his paci! Yey!!!

Needless to say I am soo encouraged. Before each nap and bedtime I hold his sweet little hand and we talk to Jesus asking him to help Will soothe himself back to sleep. And oh how faithful He has been! Looking forward to even more progress today!


  1. That's so encouraging! I remember those days and am proud of you for leaning on Jesus through it all. Sometimes it seemed that once we got one routine down, he'd move onto another schedule leaving me in confusion and stress. It is tough being a Mom, but so worth it when you have stuck with your child and prayerfully helped them along the way. You're doing a great job!!!

  2. Good job, Will! And way to go, Mama!
