Saturday, June 16, 2012

Will: 8 Months

Whew! What a fast month May was! How are we already in June??? It feels like having children has made time go by so much quicker. Or maybe it's simply because now that Will is EXTREMELY mobile life seems to be flying by. Getting pictures this month was nearly impossible since Will refuses to sit still, but we did our best!

So my little man is 8 months old and becoming more and more a little boy with each passing day. It feels as though the days of having a tiny baby have since passed.

The Skinny on Will:
Height: Not a clue...we'll have to wait til our Doctor's appointment next month!
Weight: Should be right about 20 lbs (and my back is feeling every bit of it!)
Head: Perfectly average

Eating: We are just now moving into trying to transition out of the world of pureed foods and into the messy messy messy new chapter of finger foods and self feeding. I must confess I have been a bit weary of this transition as it seems so hard to gage just how much food he will actually be consuming with 90% winding up on the floor or smushed between his toes. The other side of me, however is super excited to not have to spoon feed my little man any more and allow him this new level of independence! He is still taking 4 bottles per day with 6-8oz per feed.

: No major news here other than to say that Will seems to want to sleep in a little closer to 7:30am and head to bed closer to 8:00pm. He is still taking two 1 hour and a half naps from 9:30-11 and 1:30-3:00pm.

Well this has been a bit of a fussy month with endless teething teething teething! Praise Jesus we have our very first tooth! My little mover and shaker is in to EVERYTHING. Crawling faster than lightning and scaling the furniture! I am most confident that he will likely be walking by 10 months (Lord help me!). He is very in to his momma these days and gets very upset when I leave the room. We are also beginning to see our happy, easy spirited child display his will. He hates having his clothes or diaper changed and if I take away something he wants he absolutely loses it. Ohhh what fun! Up unto this point he was rarely phased by any of this but 8 months has marked the beginning of the need for discipline in our home. All day long I find myself saying "Will, look at momma. No sir!" his credit he has been VERY responsive to correction and simply stops. I'm sure this phase will be short lived. He continues to say lots of "dadadada" but still not "momma" but hopefully soon. He has gotten to be VERY difficult to hold and we call him our little spider monkey as he wiggles and squirms trying to get down. What a fun filled month!

Just a few more shots...

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