Monday, February 4, 2013

21 Day Detox: Final Post!

I must start off by saying how unbelievably encouraged I have been by all the support and friends rooting for Zak and I on this wild journey of the sugar detox. After only FOUR days I had dropped a steady 5 pounds on the scale! But more than that, actually sticking to the rigid plan for four days was a huge accomplishment for me. I plan to continue with this eating plan but in a modified fashion.

I am going to try to eat as I have but loosen up on the fruit restrictions as well as the sauce restrictions. It would VERY difficult to cook without adding anything other than raw spices. When I made the decision to go off yesterday I must confess I was very surprised by how quickly the detox had transformed my taste buds. We went to lunch after church and I got a Diet Coke with my meal and truly after one sip I had to dump it out and get water instead. It was so immensely sweet that I could barely stand it! I can honestly say that I now prefer the taste of what once tasted tart, my Granny Smith Apple.

I will definitely try to give updates of how the weight loss progresses on this modified eating plan, but didn't feel that I could truly call it a detox anymore. 21 Days of Sugar detoxing is not for the weak of heart. I would love to cheer on any friends who are up for the challenge, and who knows, we may give it a shot again!

Thanks for walking through this short lived journey with us!


  1. I am impressed that you made it as far as you did! I'm not sure I could do it either. The transforming of the taste buds thing is very interesting to me though... I'll have to keep that in mind. Good job, guys!

  2. I'm proud of you! I'm on day 6 of no sodea and whew! even that is tough!
