Pierce... these past 11 months of your life have absolutely flown by! How has this happened!?!? When I think about it, I know the answer. You son have been easy. Plain and simple. You are the sweet, laid back, fun loving, loveable second child that I always hoped for.
Right at 10 1/2 weeks you took your first steps and now you are literally running around the living room. One of your favorite things to do is have one of us chase you and you look back and squeal with delight! I absolutely love this stage. You are becoming increasingly more verbal with each day as you walk around the living room babbling away and pointing. I always try to conversationally respond as though I know what you are trying to tell me.
Your first word was "Mamma!" and you have since added Dada (only a few times), Ma (More), and ByeBye (as you wave). You also have started giving all your stuffed animals Love (Hugs) on command and us as well. It truly is the sweetest thing.
Your schedule hasn't changed much, you still go down at 7:30pm and wake up at 8am. You nap one hour in the morning (10-11am) and then go down again at 1:30-4:00 pm for your afternoon nap. You still take 4 bottles and absolutely love your sippy cup of water. I am hopeful that our transition from the bottle to the sippy cup is a smooth one. I also just bought the last container of formula Praise God Hallelujah as we are just a few short weeks out from transitioning to whole milk !
Sweet baby Pierce, we are so incredibly in love with you and are so excited to see you grow into a little man! Your laugh is infectious and everyone who meets you loves you as you seal the deal by reaching out for them to hold you. I can't wait to celebrate your first birthday next month. We love you more than words could adequately express!